Exit Strategy

Based on our experience, Concord Ventures believes in the value of planning an exit strategy for your business long before you intend to sell. Planning such a strategy well in advance of a sale enables business owners to fully understand what they hope to achieve, the best options to reach those objectives and who might best serve as the right partner for this highly complex transaction. In some cases, it could take several years to prepare a business for sale at the highest optimum price.

Our business exit strategy services include:

  • Consultation with the owner to prepare for a sale. We do not charge a fee for pre-sale consultation.
  • Guidance on how to restructure the management, if needed; address specific legal and accounting issues; improve operations, etc.
  • When necessary, referral of the seller to a consultant who can help improve the company’s performance.

The planned exit is always the best approach. Concord Ventures works closely with clients long before the actual sale takes place—paving the way for the ideal transactional solution.